Autumn Feng Shui

10/02/2011 FengShuiTips


Autumn is in the air and with it all the brilliant colors, scents and flavors of the season. As trees prepare to go inward for the winter, they send out acorns, pine cones and brilliant foliage in shortened daylight hours. Colorful pumpkin, squash, berries and root vegetables are bountiful. These gifts of nature adorn the landscape, nourish the body’s yin chi and warm the cooling environment. Signs and symbols of autumn also make beautiful indoor arrangements and serve as a reminder of time and nature’s ever-changing cycles.

But when decorating your home or business in autumn, it is best to avoid lots of twigs, hay and dried flower arrangements. In feng shui, these once living symbols represent the past rather than the future. Instead, choose colorful fresh mums, leaves and cabbages of the season for display and bring nature’s bounty (and prosperity) indoors with you.

Wishing you good chi,

Diane Gallin, CFSC




