The origins of Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) are traced back thousands of years to mainland China. Once used primarily for determining the best location for ancestral graves and later for siting imperial buildings, Feng Shui has evolved into the art and science of harmonizing the energy of people, spaces and organizations.
Ancient Chinese sages determined that everything on earth can be found in the elements of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. These elements exist in nature to nurture and constrain each other, rarely competing for the same energy at the same time. When balanced, they help advance growth and perpetuate the cycles of life. They represent different seasons, times of day, compass directions, shapes, colors and patterns. Their symbiotic and cyclic relationship forms the delicate balance and foundation of traditional Chinese metaphysics, medicine and Feng Shui.
Wind (feng) and water (shui) are the two avenues for vital ch’i to circumnavigate the globe and settle in deep valleys. When energy is hindered (an insurmountable mountain, dead-end road, blocking wall) energy stagnates and forward motion stops. If energy moves too quickly (think fast-moving floodwater or a busy highway), its beneficial properties are swept away.
When energetic balance is achieved, ch’i flows smoothly, picks up speed and can be channeled toward a vision or goal. That is where Feng Shui comes in. We know that our dwellings shape us and influence every aspect of well-being, productivity and luck. Making sure these spaces convey those aspirations and nurture potential is the realm of Feng Shui expert Diane Gallin.