2024 Chinese New Year Preparations
Are you ready for the Yang Wood Dragon 甲辰 Jia Chen?
In 2024 the solar or agricultural New Year – Li Chun (Beginning of Spring) – begins on February 4 at 16:37 GMT (4:37 pm EST), preceding the celebratory Lunar Year on February 10 this year. Each January leading up to the new year, it is customary to clear all homes and businesses and have transitional Feng Shui and Flying Star remedies and enhancements in place. This year, Li Chun arrives in a more dramatic Yang Wood Dragon year that promises swift and lasting change. It also coincides with a new 20-year cycle of Fire energy that transitions us from Period 8 to Period 9. Each year in ancient China, farmers optimistically began the planting season on the first day of spring, setting intentions for a bountiful year.
In keeping with tradition, if you have not yet cleared your home and workplace, the coming days provide a perfect opportunity to do so since it is believed that unfinished business carried into the new year can hinder your progress going forward. If possible, try to complete as many of the following projects before the new year to help you on your way.
Before February 4, 2024:
- Clean your home and business thoroughly, including basements, garages, attics, etc.
- Wash windows, touch-up or paint walls, clean filters, vents and drains
- Open the doors and sweep your home from the front to the back door to remove last year’s energy
- Clear clutter by donating, selling or disposing of items that no longer serve your needs
- Organize files (including digital), closets, drawers, calendars and schedules
- Clean out refrigerators and pantries and replace with only the freshest and healthiest of foods
- Repair or remove anything that is broken – especially clocks, watches or aged/faulty electronic equipment that could keep you stuck in the past. Everything will move very quickly in a Dragon Year and you’ll want to keep up!
- Trim or remove any trees or branches that need cutting on your property and thank them for their service. If they leave a gap, plant something young and vibrant in their place
- Check lighting inside and out to ensure fixtures and bulbs are in working order
- Clean every mirror, crystal and glass fixture in your home and business for clarity of vision in 2024
- Service and clean your automobile for safe passage throughout the year
- Pay debts and balance bank accounts so as not to drag obligations with you into 2024
- Clean and polish your front door then oil the hinges for smooth access & ample opportunities
- Reconcile any disputes with friends, colleagues or family members for a fresh start to the year
- Get a haircut now to prevent cutting into your good fortune in the new year
- After cleaning, burn sage, sweetgrass and/or nag champa, ring bells or spray citrus water in your building to clear stagnant energy before the New Year
- Remove your front doormat and replace it with a brand new one on Chinese New Year’s Eve. This will prevent you from dragging 2023’s energy into your home or business on 2024’s footsteps.
Be sure to check the 2024 Flying Star Afflictions and avoid disturbing compass sectors indicated this year.
Wishing you peace, prosperity and good chi in the Yang Wood Dragon year!
Diane Gallin | Wind and Water Feng Shui Consulting | 727-459-1459