Mountains and Feng Shui

With few exceptions, it is generally considered auspicious to have a large hill or mountain located behind buildings with favorable Feng Shui. Historically, this supportive land formation known as the Black Tortoise provided Chinese emperors protection from invading armies – and a sense of embrace and security.

In modern Feng Shui we use virtual mountains to achieve the same effect. A stand of trees, hedgerow, earth berms, tall fences, walls or even gradually inclined land can symbolize a mountain in the flattest of terrains, providing privacy and protection for your building.

Inside the building, this favorable formation should also be applied to desk, bed and other seated furniture placement by locating them in front of a supportive wall. In theory and in practice, well-being, success and empowerment begin with awareness that you are safe.

If your home or business lacks a mountain of support, try implementing a few changes and let me know how quickly energy shifts in a positive direction.

Wishing you good chi,

Diane Gallin, CFSC

Wind and Water Feng Shui Consulting





