Happy New Year Fire Rooster
Are you ready for the Yin Fire Rooster? As you know, the Lunar New Year begins on January 28, marking the second New Moon after the Winter Solstice and the beginning of the celebratory 15-day Spring Festival. This is the day we say goodbye to the Yang Fire Monkey and pivot to the only avian member of the Chinese zodiac signs. If you are still making preparations, check here for more ideas.
2017’s Yin Fire Rooster – poetically known as the ‘Solitary Bird Walking a Lonely Path’ – promises an interesting alternative to the gregarious Yang Fire Monkey of 2016 with somewhat more predictable outcomes. Rooster is one of the most complex signs of the Chinese zodiac as evidenced by its association (despite being an early riser) at the end of the day (5-7 PM) and compass direction of the setting sun (west.) Rooster is said to represent the 5 Chinese virtues of authority, wisdom, courage, confidence and goodness. She is at once proud, feminine, candid, aggressive, romantic, shrewd, outspoken and flamboyant. Highly organized and devoted to ideals, Rooster is the most detail-oriented of the signs and can be unrelenting in her search for perfection. She is confident of her own ideas and can spot mistakes a mile away – then point them out in a direct and sometimes abrasive manner. Rooster prefers working alone to team activities since no one else is quite as capable as she. Her isolationism is legendary. If you lack some of these qualities in your own personality, it will be beneficial to enlist them early on in 2017 for these are several of the many lessons you’ll be expected to learn in a Rooster year.
Rooster represents Yin Metal in Chinese Metaphysics and the exacting standards necessary for financial and data accumulation. She sees the world as black and white with no room for ambiguity or gray areas to cloud her precise thought process. Rooster is a meticulous statistician and editor that refines and chisels her worldview undaunted by the opinion of others. For this reason, hard work and vigilance will be rewarded in a Rooster year provided you are punctual, direct, constant and correct in your assessments. If not, you will be called on it. For most, this will be a good year to manage your money and investments rather than expand into brand new arenas. Yin Fire Rooster is an observer, carefully collecting notes and details to be used later when the timing is just right so don’t jump in with both feet if you haven’t done due diligence. 2017 won’t be a year for taking big risks as Yin Fire is a flickering flame that is not sustainable.
Entertainment and leisure industries benefit from Rooster energy and you may find that people are easily distracted by superfluous trivia in 2017. Sadly, the energy necessary for diplomacy during a period of expected increased nationalism continues to wane ever since the Yin Wood Sheep’s retreat in 2015. The clashing elements of Yin Fire (which represents illusionary optimism or wealth) melting Rooster’s intrinsic Yin Metal in the chart of the year also suggests many political tensions and conflicts. Financial markets are expected to benefit from Fire energy through spring and summer and to taper off in the autumn and winter so take that into consideration if that influences your business dealings.
Since nature and the five elements are in constant motion, Fire Rooster will affect everyone differently in 2017. Positive and afflicted energy areas of buildings will shift as well so this is an excellent time to update the Feng Shui of your home and business.
As you begin the new year, let me know if I can help you navigate the course.
Wishing you peace, prosperity and good chi,
Diane Gallin