Setting Intentions with Feng Shui

09/02/2012 FengShuiTips


Have you set your intentions for the remainder of the year yet?  If not, you might want to consider doing so.  In Feng Shui, setting your intentions is a vital part of bringing about meaningful transformation in your life.  By visualizing the process of first removing barriers to your success and then seeing yourself in the new role helps to bring about the changes you desire.

In traditional Chinese brush painting, before taking up a brush to paint, the artist first spends time in meditation grinding the ink stick against a stone in a circular motion.  This process helps to calm her mind and envision each brushstroke as well as the finished product.  No painting should commence before this process is completed for it is believed that without it, the artist will not be ready for the challenge.

Take a moment to envision where you would like to be in the near (or distant) future and begin preparing your own masterpiece.

Wishing you good ch’i,

Diane Gallin, CFSC

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Wind and Water Feng Shui Consulting

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