Feng Shui and Health
There’s been a lot of talk here in the United States lately about health care. Regardless of who provides your care or how you choose to achieve personal wellness, I think we can agree that good health is a universal aspiration. In Five Element Theory of Feng Shui, the area of a village, city, organization or building that has the most impact on health is the center. Also known as the tai ch’i, the center is associated with the Earth element and tethers all the other elements and life areas together. Earth energy transforms, grounds and unites us, providing both the stability to establish roots and the opportunity to grow where we are planted. It is considered to be the most important sector to adjust from a Feng Shui perspective, since without good health every other aspect of life is compromised.
One of the first things I analyze in a client’s home or workplace is how the center of the building is configured. Often, I can predict struggles with health problems before I arrive by examining the architecture and design for anomalies. Once inside, I look at the rooms and furnishings in the center, which should be free of obstacles and accessible to all the other areas of the building. Heavy furniture, angled walls, blocked doors, and spiral staircases can negatively influence health since they disrupt the flow of ch’i (life force energy.) Too much fire energy from a stove, fireplace or electrical utility room can contribute to heart (the organ associated with fire) and anxiety issues. Bathrooms located in the center of a building have a tendency to erode health over time since the nature of water is to wear away and disperse earth. And a cluttered center represents stagnation, often interpreted as the source of many physical and emotional diseases. The physical vitality of an organization or a family is the gift of healthy, flowing organ systems, so it is best to leave some open space in the center. And since tai ch’i is also associated with emotional well-being, correcting imbalances here helps us to embrace, adapt and let go.
Since the objective of Feng Shui is to remedy any design and environmental issues that undermine our ability to thrive, it is good to remember that we control our surroundings and by association, our destiny. Think of New York City’s Central Park – a yin oasis in the heart of a yang vibrant and diverse metropolis. Its location in the middle of one of the greatest cities in the world is the dream of urban planners and provides an excellent example of how a cohesive tai ch’i can balance and positively influence all its surrounding areas.
Take a look at the tai ch’i of your home or business to see if there is something that needs to be adjusted. And as always, let me know if I can help.
Wishing you good health and good ch’i,
Diane Gallin, CFSC