Holiday Decorating With Feng Shui
Have you noticed how many homes and businesses look so much more inviting during the holidays? From a Feng Shui perspective, this is because we typically introduce classical cures such as light, color and sound in the form of seasonal decorations. A simple strand of outdoor lights on a tree or shrub illuminates the path to a front door, welcoming new business, friends and chi energy. The sounds of holiday music and especially bells vibrate the energy in a space, which helps to clear stagnant areas. The color red, which represents the fire element, radiates and attracts attention, warmth and light to a darkened corner.
In winter, you can use items from nature such as berries, greens, pine cones and nuts in your décor, since the colors of the season are generally abundant outdoors. Simmer cinnamon, orange, apples and cloves in a pot on your stove to naturally scent your environment. Light a fire or candle in early evening to warm your spirit through the longer nights. Then turn on your favorite music, sit back and enjoy your beautiful surroundings.
Wishing you good chi,
Diane Gallin, CFSC