Feng Shui Valentine

02/13/2021 Feng Shui Florida

Ancient Chinese sages had a word for the mutual attraction between two people. Hsien means “to touch the heart.” Represented by the trigram symbol of a lake over a mountain, these elements, like good relationships, are separate and unique but exist in nature because they provide something the other needs. They complement each other. 

When clients inquire about problems with relationships, there are always relevant Feng Shui connections to their buildings, birth charts, compass sectors and timing. Upon further evaluation, I’ve also noticed design details in their homes and offices revealing silent, subtle messages they send out via architecture, furniture and even the artwork displayed. Are the living and office quarters easily accessible and inviting? Is there room for two at the table – or desk? Does the artwork displayed draw you in or send you away? The choices we make in living and work spaces speak volumes about dreams and desires and help provide a roadmap for where we are headed. If something feels off, it might be simply a matter of mindfully conveying what you want to achieve.

On Valentine’s Day, red roses and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are commercially used to evoke romance. Feng Shui uses images of  receptiveness and nurturing, artwork featuring couples, soft lighting and comfortable seating to attract and maintain relationships. In the office, a picture of two or more people accomplishing something together (sailing a boat, shaking hands, or scaling a mountain) represents the spirit of cooperation necessary for strong business relationships. Solitary images or representations of conflict (stormy seas, battlefields, cactus plants, etc.) are counterproductive.

Since the New Year is a good time to reevaluate the things you carry, you may want to conduct a tour of your spaces with a critical eye for how it makes you feel. You may even decide whether to carry all your relationships with you into the future. Those that represent emotional clutter in your life are just as harmful as the physical kind. Take time now to cultivate the relationships you want to flourish in the New Year, and distance yourself from those that diminish your hopes for the future. 

Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day, an open heart and good chi,

Diane Gallin